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Gershia Coggs

Tier 3 Trainer

Technical Assistance Professional

Milwaukee, WI MILWAUKEE Region Data Base, Inc.

Childhood Professional

Miles willing to travel
Time of day
Daytime and Evening
Schedule Availability
Primary Language
Training Language(s)

Trainer Credentials

Gershia Coggs has over 20 years’ of childcare training and teaches at Milwaukee Area Technical College.
Gershia has a degree in Adult Education from UW-Stout and has a business background in computer technology, and adult education within the Milwaukee early childcare community. Other training's include:
• Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-SE)-Trainer
• Certified Developmentally Appropriate Practices instructor (DAP).
• Registry Ambassador and Membership: Level Fourteen - Trainer: Master

Age Group Expertise

Infants (0-12 months) One Year Olds (13-24 months) Two to Two and half (25-30 months) Two and a Half to Three - (31-36 months) Three Year Olds - (37-48 months) Four Year Olds (49-60 months) Five Year Olds (61-72 months) Elementary (K-5th grade) Adults

Content Area

  • 3. Diversity
  • 5. Learning Experiences, Strategies, and Curriculum
  • 10. Professionalism
  • 11. Planning, Reflection, and Evaluation
  • 12-A Administration and Management - General
  • 12-B Administration and Management - Finance
  • 12-C Administration and Management - Personnel

Approved to Teach

CCFT: Fundamentals of Family Child Care CCFT: Fundamentals Infant and Toddler Care

Additional Endorsements

Abusive Head Trauma Prevention ASQ Trainer Registry Ambasador Shaken Baby WMELS Approved Trainer

Technical Assistance Professional Credentials

“I've taught a variety of Early Childhood Education courses—including Observation and Assessment; Advanced Curriculum Development; Child, Family, and WELS Teaching Cycle, Health, Safety, and Ages and Stages Questionnaire Trainer. I've worked extensively with Early Childcare Directors and their teaching staff. My teaching focuses on providing Early Childcare Teachers as much practical experience as possible, and following up with the teachers to make sure that the newly acquired skills are being implemented”.


CDA Professional Development Specialist Qualified Observer for Infant Toddler Credential Observation

Higher Education

University of Wisconsin - Stout
Vocational Technical, Adult Education

Additional Credentials

DCF - Abusive Head Trauma
DCF - Infant Toddler Requirement
DCF - SIDS Training